Nachman Hait
Born in 1914 in Odessa, he was active in Beitar from an early age and became local branch commander in Kishinev. From 1932-1936 he worked in the Aliyah organization “Af-Al-Pi” and from 1936-1939 he was the Beitar office representitive in Bucharest. Arrested in 1941, he was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment and lifelong exile. Freed in 1957, he got to Israel in 1963.

Shraga Hazan
Born in 1913 in Kovno, Lithuania, he was an engineer, an active member of the Revisionist party, and after that of the Medina party, chairman of Jordania association and the commander of “Brit ha-Kanaim” in Kovno. Arrested in 1941, he was sent to a labour camp till 1948, followed by exile to Siberia till 1959. He got to Israel in 1969. Died in 1985.

Aharon Holin
Born in 1908 in Bendery, he became one of the organizers of the “Gordonia” movement in Kishinev. Arrested in 1941, he was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment and was then exiled till 1956. He then spent 20 years as a “refusenik” until he was finally granted a visa for Israel in1976. Died in 1984.

Eliezer Izikovich
Born in 1909 in Austria, he was an activist of the student Zionist movement “Kadima” in Chernovtsi in 1924-1929 and an active Beitar member from 1930-1940. Arrested in 1941, he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment in various labour camps in North Siberia. Released in 1954, it took him until 1972 to get to Israel. Died in 1981.

Anton Kalman
Born in 1920 in Latvia, he was an active member of Beitar. Arrested in 1941, he was accused of Zionist activities & sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Died in the Uralsk camp in 1943.

Yakov Kaplan
Born in 1927, in Tartu, Estonia to a Zionist family, he became a member of Beitar at a young age and was active in distributing Jewish newspapers and religious materials. Arrested in 1941, he was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment and 8 years exile. In October 1946 he escaped from Siblag near Tomsk but in 1951 was repeatedly arrested and eventually sentenced to 20 years imprisonment which he served in Karkat, Melikovka, (near Tomsk), Sabaorlag. Freed in 1958, he was unsuccessful in getting to Israel till 1969.

Ben-Zion Katz
Born in 1924 in Otian, Lithuania, he was arrested in 1941, accused of Zionist activities and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. Released in 1954, he got to Israel in 1960. Died in 1992.

Rachel Katz
Born in 1909 Tallin, Estonia, she was an active revisionist movement member from 1930 to 1940 and a member of the Cultural Yidddish Center. Arrested in 1941, she was imprisoned for 9 years. Released in 1951, she continued her struggle to get to Israel which she succeeded in doing in 1971. Died in 1987.

David Kershtat
Born in 1909 in Latvia, he joined Beitar at a young age.In 1933 he was appointed as Beitar leadership officer in Latvia. This involved helping Jews get to Erets Israel, spreading the word of Jabotinsky among Jewish youth, organizing Jewish youth groups and leading them. Arrested in 1941, he was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment in labour camps. Freed in 1956, he finally got to Israel in 1966. Died in 1990.

Gershon Klibansky
Born in 1920 in Lithuania, to a Zionist family which observed Jewish tradition, he joined Beitar at the age of 14 and was an active member. After the Soviet occupation in 1941 the whole family was banished to Siberia but their house became a center of Hebrew studies & Zionist activities. The family was sent to separate labour camps in Altaisk, Jakutsk and the extreme North. Gershon lived in camps for 18 years, being freed in 1958. He struggled till 1973 before getting to Israel.
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Menahem Klibansky
Born in 1915 in Lithuania, he joined Beitar at the age of 17 where he was chosen for an officers’ course by the Beitar leadership, was entrusted to organize local Beitar branches and to be an instructor for the sergeant course. In 1938 he was appointed as the Keren Tel-Hai secretary and the editor of the newspaper “Mamant” He made major contributions to realize Zionist ideals and worked hard towards both legal and illegal exits to Erets Israel. Because he continued his activities after the Soviet occupation of Lithuania, he was arrested in 1941and sentenced to 1.5 year prison followed by13.5 years in labour camps. He served his sentence in Siberia, continuing his activities even in the camps. Released in1956, it was not till 1969 that he got to Israel.

Yakov Klingman
Born in 1985 in Lithuania, he was, from the 30-s, until the Soviet occupation, chairman of “Ha-Tschar” in Rokishkis Lithuania. Arrested in 1941 he was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment which he served in the Krasnojarsk camp followed by exile to Siberia. Freed in 1957, he nevertheless had to wait till 1976 before reaching Israel. Died in 1984.

Moshe Klinsky
Born in 1906, in Bessarabia, to a Zionist family, he collected money for the National Fund and propagated Zionist ideas.He was also active in the “Gordonia” movement, training for life in Erets Israel. Arrested in 1941, he was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment which he served in the camps of Siberia, the Urals and Komi. His family was exiled to Siberia. Freed in 1954, he still had to wait till 1972 before getting to Israel.

Max Korman
Born in 1913 in Riga, Latvia, at the age of 14 was already organizing unions of Zionists who studied Jewish history, distributed Zionist materials & worked for Keren Kayemet. After the Soviet occupation, he was exiled to Siberia. Arrested in 1945, he was accused of Zionist activities against the Soviet regime and was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment plus 5 years exile which he served in Tomsk, Omsk and Norilsk. Released in 1958, he was unable to get to Israel until 1986.

Abraham Krinsky
Born in 1920 in Kishinev to a Zionist family which observed Jewish tradition, he joined “Ha-Shomer Ha-Tsair” at an early age. After the Soviet occupation, he led the illegal Kishinev Zionist organization but was arrested in 1941 and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. He served his sentence in the labour camps of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East. Released in 1956, he had to wait till 1973 to get to Israel.

Juda Kupnis
Born in 1907 in Anikesht, Lithuania, he joined Beitar and became chairman of “Ha- Tsachar” in his town. Arrested in 1941 with his family, he was exiled to Siberia and then, in 1942, he was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. He was in the labour camps until 1949 and in exile till 1959. He got to Israel in 1969.

Nataniel Lashats
Born in 1911 in Kovno, Lithuania, he was an active member of Brit Ha-Kanaim from 1933 and was elected to the Mifleget Ha-Medina. He was also the head of Misrad Ha-Artsi until 1941 in Kovno. Arrested in 1941, he was accused of Zionist activities and sentenced to 8 years imprisonment followed by 7 years of exile. He succeeded in getting to Israel in 1969. Died in 1979.

Shimon Livorkin
Born in 1919 in Riga, Latvia.he joined Beitar member at a very early age and was later commander of the local Riga branch. In 1941 was arrested in 1941, he was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment in Siberia labour camps. Freed in 1956, he didn’t get to Israel till 1971. Died in 1978.

Yakov Lutski
Born in 1915 in Loninits, Poland, he was an active Beitar member. Arrested after the German occupation, he escaped to USSR but was arrested in 1941 & sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Released in 1948, he eventually got to Israel in 1957. Died in 1983.