Fania Altman-Disser
Born in 1932, she joined the youth Zionist movement “Dror”as a youngster. Engaged in Zionist propaganda and distribution of materials about Israel, she was arrested in 1951 and sentenced by OSO (Special extrajudicial tribunal) to 5 years imprisonment. She served her sentence in concentration camps in the Urals and in Kizil, in the Perm province. She was released in 1953 within the framework of the general amnesty following Stalin’s death. However, it was as late as 1990 before she succeeded in getting to Israel.

Sterna Budnitsky
Born in 1927 in Nevel, Soviet Union, to a Zionist family, engaged in the unification of Zionists, who gathered in their house. During WW2 she was in charge of Zionist youth activity in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. After the war the family returned to Lvov and began underground activity to support Jews and to help them to move to Poland and from there to Israel. She was arrested in 1951 and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. Released in 1956, she didn’t succeed in getting to Israel until1972.

David Tuvia Fikgoltz
Born in 1906 in Poland, he was a member of the organization “Mizrahi” in Lvov and worked for the “Keren Kayemet” until the Soviet occupation. He was arrested in 1951 and charged with Zionist propaganda. After pitiless investigation, he received the death penalty, later commuted to 25 years imprisonment. He spent 4.5 years in camps on Komi ASSR, and despite being released in1955, he was unable to reach Israel until 1966. He died in 1986.

David Fisherman
Born in 1926 in Korosten, Ukraine he fled the Nazi invasion in 1941 and got to Uzbekistan . Returning to the Ukraine in 1945, he organized a group of students in the training college in Zhitomir for the study of Jewish history. After graduating from the college he continued his Zionist activities. Arrested in 1951 and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, which he served in the Steplag, he was released in 1955 but only got to Israel only in 1980. He died in November 1994.

Abraham Fradkin
Born in 1912 in Bielorussia, he was arrested in 1951, together with his wife, for helping Jews, who wanted to go from the Soviet Union to Israel, and for underground Zionist activity (forgery of passports and raising money for escape). He was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment, released in 1953 but only managed to get exit visas to Israel, for himself and his wife in 1972.

Beila Fradkin
Born in 1915 in Berdichev, she was interested in Zionism from an early age. After the war she worked in Leningrad in an underground youth group, which helped Jews to get to Israel through Poland. Arrested in 1951, together with her husband, for underground Zionist activity, she was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment and hard labor. She was released in 1953 after death of Stalin, but only in 1972 did she and her husband receive exit visas to go to Israel. She died in 1984.

Liuba Goland
Born in 1927 in Nevel, Soviet Union, she was active Zionist in her native town. She attempted several ways of getting to Israel and in 1951, during one of her illegal efforts to leave the Soviet Union, she was arrested and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. Released in 1956, she didn’t succeed in getting to Israel till 1975.

Yakov Goldsheid
Born in 1910 in Besarabia, to a Zionist family which observed Jewish traditions, he was recruited into the army, returning to Besarabia after the war where was engaged in the teaching of Hebrew, Jewish history and Zionist propaganda. He was arrested in 1951, charged with Zionist sabotage activity and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment which were served in the Vorkuta camps. Released in 1956 he moved with his family to Lvov where he continued to teach Hebrew and Jewish history. In 1988 he finally fulfilled his dream of emigrating to Israel.

Michael Gurvitz
Born in 1904 in Russia, he worked in the movement “He-Halutz” in the Ukraine from 1920 until 1928. Arrested in 1951, he was charged with nationalist and anti-Soviet activities and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. He served his sentence in a Moscow prison and in the camp Kamyshlag in Siberia. After his release he began to fight for the right to emigrate to Israel which he finally succeeded in doing in 1981. He died in 1987.

David (Leib) Hen
Born in 1914 in Nevel, he was engaged, during the Soviet regime, in underground activity for Aliyah. Documents and passports were prepared in his home for those who tried to go to Israel. In 1951 he was arrested for this activity and was given the death penalty which was eventually commuted to 25 years imprisonment. He served his sentence in the Vorkuta camps and was released in 1959. It took him another 10 years to get to Israel.

Yohanan Holodny
Born in 1930 in Korosten, Ukraine, to a family which observed Jewish traditions, he was, while at university, one of organizers of Jewish students groups engaged in study of Jewish literature and history. In 1951 he was arrested together with his entire group and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment. He served his sentence in the Vorkuta camps. He was released in 1956 but it wasn’t till 1974 that he managed to get to Israel.

Yosef Horol
Born in 1929 in Odessa. In 1951, while a college student, he was arrested and charged with organizing and leading anti-Soviet youth protests, and the organization of nationalist groups. He was sentenced to 25 years in the Gulag, released in 1966 and in 1969 managed to leave the USSR for Israel.

Moshe Kalik
Born in 1927, in Moscow, his experience of anti-Semitism made him turn to Zionism and Israel and he began disseminating Zionist propaganda among Jewish students. Arrested in 1951 and charged with Zionist activity, he received a sentence of 3.5 years imprisonment which was served in the Lefortovo, Butyrki and Lubianka prisons in Moscow and also in the Taishet camp Released in 1954, it took him till 1971 to be able to get to Israel.

Eliezer Kublanov
Born in 1889 in Nevel, Russia, he, together with his wife Elka, organized meetings of Zionists and Jews who wanted to go to Israel in their home. Arrested in 1951 in Leningrad and charged with Zionist activities, including attempts to escape illegally from the Soviet Union, he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment which he served in the Taishet camp. Released in 1956, he failed in his fight to emigrate to Israel and finally died in Leningrad in 1972.

Elka Kublanov
Born in 1895 in Nevel, Russia, she participated with her husband (see above) in the organization of gatherings in their home of Zionists and Jews who wanted to go to Israel. Arrested in 1951 in Leningrad and charged with Zionist activity and attempts to escape illegally from the Soviet Union, she was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment, which she served in the Taishet camp. She was released in 1956 and only got to Israel in 1972 after the death of her husband. She died in 1981.

Mendel Kublanov
Born in 1921 in Nevel, he was engaged in Zionist propaganda, calling on his student friends to go to Israel, he himself trying to escape from the Soviet Union Arrested in 1951 for his activities and sentenced to 8 years imprisonment, he spent 3 years and 8 months in the prison “Kresty” in Leningrad and in the Djezkazgan labour camp. He was released in 1954 but only succeeded in getting to Israel in 1974.

Karpol Kublanov
Born in 1925 in Nevel, he tried to escape from the Soviet Union illegally in 1951 but was arrested and sentenced to 5 years and 2 months of imprisonment. Released in 1956, he got to Israel in 1972.