Baruch Ashi (Kochubievsky)
Born in 1936, he was brought up in an orphanage, because his parents perished in Baby Yar. He became a prominent Zionist activist, well known among Jewish youth. In 1968 he made a speech at the meeting in Baby Yar, and the same year was arrested in Kiev on charges of Zionist anti-government sabotage, specifically with distributing information about the state of Israel, the Israeli Army, historical data about the Jewish people and its national-liberation movement – Zionism. Sentenced to 3 years imprisonment in the Gulag, he spent his sentence in Siberian camps. He was the first Soviet Jew sentenced for Zioinist activity after the Six Days War. He continued his Zionist activity even in the camps. Released in 1971, he left the USSR for Israel in the same year.